Statistics & Research about Eufaula,AL - Flowers Eufaula Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Eufaula,AL an area served by Flowers Eufaula Llc

Phone : 334-687-7001

Real estate research for area nearby Flowers Eufaula Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Midway 45,400 523 13.8
Eufaula 112,000 575 6.2
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 66,800 630 11.3
Russell County 102,000 694 8.2
Clayton 62,000 465 9
Abbeville 81,600 475 7.0
Phenix City 108,000 696 7.7
Inverness 140,400 730 6.2
Louisville 62,600 444 8.5
Hurtsboro 59,200 429 8.7

Number of vacant houses in places near by Flowers Eufaula Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Midway 195
Eufaula 850
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 913
Russell County 4075
Clayton 329
Abbeville 300
Phenix City 3262
Inverness 200
Louisville 298
Hurtsboro 282
Barbour County 2455
Blue Springs 13
Union Springs 283
Omaha 218
Shorterville 971

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Flowers Eufaula Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Midway 108900
Eufaula 84900
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 29800
Russell County 93700
Clayton 128600
Abbeville 71100
Phenix City 96700
Inverness 140400
Louisville 106300
Hurtsboro 95000
Barbour County 83300
Blue Springs 88300
Union Springs 206000
Omaha 149000
Shorterville 89700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Flowers Eufaula Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Midway 500
Eufaula 3368
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 964
Russell County 11533
Clayton 810
Abbeville 1372
Phenix City 9169
Inverness 494
Louisville 523
Hurtsboro 505
Barbour County 6487
Blue Springs 18
Union Springs 1057
Omaha 478
Shorterville 1199

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Flowers Eufaula Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Midway 47100
Eufaula 128000
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 23900
Russell County 95700
Clayton 67100
Abbeville 54500
Phenix City 100600
Inverness 18800
Louisville 63800
Hurtsboro 22700
Barbour County 82000
Union Springs 63900
Omaha 20000
Shorterville 213200