Statistics & Research about Troy,AL - Kreis Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Troy,AL an area served by Kreis Agency Llc

109 HIGHWAY 231 S
Phone : 334-566-8777

Real estate research for area nearby Kreis Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Louisville 62,600 444 8.5
Crenshaw County 70,000 488 8.4
Blue Springs 67500 NA NA
Elba 81,800 487 7.1
Petrey 82500 NA NA
Coffee County 126,400 638 6.1
Ariton 81,600 484 7.1
Victoria 83,800 504 7.2
Brundidge 60,500 476 9.4
Henderson-Spring Hill 76,100 581 9.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Kreis Agency Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Louisville 215
Crenshaw County 1670
Blue Springs 25
Elba 712
Petrey 7
Coffee County 5418
Ariton 92
Victoria 229
Brundidge 647
Henderson-Spring Hill 270
Needmore 201
New Brockton 189
Goshen-Shady Grove 299
Inverness 135
Petrey-Highland Home 453

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Kreis Agency Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Louisville 13
Crenshaw County 113
Blue Springs 1
Elba 71
Coffee County 718
Ariton 8
Victoria 22
Brundidge 73
Henderson-Spring Hill 18
Needmore 39
New Brockton 13
Goshen-Shady Grove 2
Inverness 49
Petrey-Highland Home 22

Number of new houses in places near by Kreis Agency Llc

Place name Number of new houses
Crenshaw County 105000
Coffee County 235700
Victoria 181300

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Kreis Agency Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Louisville 42600
Crenshaw County 69400
Elba 85000
Petrey 91300
Coffee County 124600
Ariton 45000
Victoria 59000
Brundidge 72100
Henderson-Spring Hill 55000
Needmore 51000
New Brockton 83300
Goshen-Shady Grove 105300
Inverness 213400
Petrey-Highland Home 30000