Statistics & Research about Montgomery,AL - Monica Johnson

Here are some statistics & research about Montgomery,AL an area served by Monica Johnson

5163 Atlanta Highway
Phone : 907-278-2647

Real estate research for area nearby Monica Johnson

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Gordonville 59300 NA NA
Tallassee 123,900 553 5.4
Pike Road 251,800 1022 4.9
Lowndes County 70,200 519 8.9
Coosada 105,600 740 8.4
Titus 128,900 601 5.6
Fitzpatrick 260700 NA NA
Franklin 82,500 910 13.2
Hayneville 109,400 495 5.4
Elmore County 143,900 736 6.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Monica Johnson

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Gordonville 40
Tallassee 712
Pike Road 1040
Lowndes County 823
Coosada 78
Titus 473
Fitzpatrick 89
Franklin 19
Hayneville 336
Elmore County 5374
Fort Deposit 161
Elmore 1613
Shorter 29
Autaugaville 281
Eclectic 577

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Monica Johnson

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Gordonville 95000
Tallassee 122700
Pike Road 312300
Lowndes County 68900
Coosada 43000
Titus 108600
Fitzpatrick 9999
Franklin 42700
Hayneville 92900
Elmore County 125100
Fort Deposit 48000
Elmore 112500
Shorter 75600
Autaugaville 77300
Eclectic 82100

Number of new houses in places near by Monica Johnson

Place name Number of new houses
Pike Road 123900
Elmore County 265500
Elmore 339600
Eclectic 279200

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Monica Johnson

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Gordonville 9999
Tallassee 163000
Pike Road 268700
Lowndes County 105900
Coosada 187000
Titus 187200
Fitzpatrick 437500
Franklin 150000
Hayneville 267500
Elmore County 197600
Fort Deposit 39200
Elmore 193100
Shorter 413600
Autaugaville 207000
Eclectic 211500