Statistics & Research about Mobile,AL - Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Mobile,AL an area served by Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Phone : 334-834-9800

Real estate research for area nearby Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Spanish Fort 209,700 1131 6.5
Calvert 72500 NA NA
Mobile 116,600 731 7.5
Point Clear 171,600 1408 9.8
Big Point 192800 NA NA
Silverhill 141,800 995 8.4
Prichard 67,400 683 12.2
Citronelle 112,800 747 7.9
Satsuma 150,600 1009 8.0
Bay Minette 119,100 662 6.7

Number of whites in places near by Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Place name Number of whites
Spanish Fort 6613
Calvert 30
Mobile 116746
Point Clear 1194
Big Point 825
Silverhill 683
Prichard 3213
Citronelle 7401
Satsuma 5579
Bay Minette 17654
Stockton 2319
Semmes 21648
Tillmans Corner 14182
Hurley 1469
Axis 643

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Spanish Fort 140500
Mobile 134100
Point Clear 152100
Big Point 240000
Silverhill 100000
Prichard 98200
Citronelle 103000
Satsuma 155100
Bay Minette 101900
Stockton 43600
Semmes 105300
Tillmans Corner 116900
Hurley 46500

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Spanish Fort 182500
Mobile 100900
Point Clear 79000
Silverhill 90000
Prichard 64600
Citronelle 112500
Satsuma 108900
Bay Minette 87800
Stockton 56700
Semmes 99100
Tillmans Corner 102900

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Willis Insurance Services Of California Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Spanish Fort 263900
Mobile 159900
Point Clear 96000
Big Point 182200
Silverhill 179200
Prichard 66000
Citronelle 84500
Satsuma 197300
Bay Minette 160100
Stockton 28800
Semmes 131900
Tillmans Corner 108700
Hurley 61600
Axis 93300